FETC 2018

STEM Keynote: The Value of Inclusive STEM Education: Robots and their Role in our Future (Room Keynote Stage)

The Robots are coming! The Robots are coming! The Robots are already…. Here. In recent months, there has been an upsurge in the attention given to robots and artificial intelligence (AI) and their future role in our society. No longer is a robot chauffer, i.e. an autonomous robot car that can drive an individual to work, a whimsical thought of a science-fiction movie director. No longer is a robot suit, i.e. a robot exoskeleton that can assist a paraplegic to walk, a fantasy story of a writer. Robots, with intelligence, are advancing into beneficial, life-saving, machines for assisting us in our everyday lives. The challenge is determining how we, as educators, can best train the next generation of students for a future that is still evolving? How do we make robots accessible for the next generation of diverse students? This talk provides a first look at how robots are changing the texture of our day-to-day experiences. Through lessons learned building robots that assist children with special needs, this talk will discuss the elements of intelligence, trust, and emotional empathy robots are emulating. The talk will conclude with how we, as educators, can best prepare our students to embrace this inevitable future.