FETC 2018

Student-Powered! Digital E-Portfolios With GAFE (Room Bayhill 25 & 26)

Give students the power of reflection and feedback! Use Google Apps for Education like Sites, Forms, Hangouts, Sheets and Classroom to digitalize and personalize student e-portfolios and conferences. You will learn how to create student e-portfolio site templates and standards-based surveys for students; tips for archiving work online; and easy ways to make student conferences virtual, digital and amazing! By having students archive work on e-portfolios, students take ownership of their work and reflect on their overall understanding, analysis, organization, presentation and language skills. Educators use digital means to give students feedback, and students use digital means to reflect on their work and on peer and instructor feedback. Students take the lead in framing the discussion of their overall assessment, and the student-teacher conferences can be in person or online. It's differentiated digital instruction, assessment, reflection and feedback.