FETC 2018

From Consumption to Creation: Integrating Augmented & Virtual Reality (Room North 330CD)

25 Jan 18
12:00 PM - 12:40 PM

Tracks: Future of EdTech Educator

The increase in accessibility of augmented and virtual reality in the classroom has allowed teachers to share engaging experiences with their students. Although, as we delve into the SAMR model of teaching, our goal is for students to be creators of content, not simply consumers. We will share ways that AR/VR can be used in the classroom to experience places and events that students would not normally be capable of doing in a traditional classroom. More importantly, let's explore how students can use AR/VR to create original pieces of work. Learn skills such as animating student created VR content, annotating 360 images, 3D modeling, and student help stations or tutorials using a variety of AR tools. Lastly, explore how 360 cameras such as Theta 360, Nikon KeyMission and Google cardboard camera can be creatively integrated in the classroom.