FETC 2018

The Empowered Middle School (Room Bayhill 19)

25 Jan 18
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Future of EdTech Educator

Every day, millions of 10- to 15-year-old students walk through the doors of their middle schools with great hopes for their future. Some will fall into leadership positions, but something so important should not be left to chance. Effective middle schools ensure all students have opportunities to lead. Learn how every student has the potential to be a leader and how their teachers and administrators have the responsibility to establish a school climate that nurtures their growth as self-sufficient, engaged citizens and develops their leadership skills. Join this workshop to learn about middle schools that empower students with innovative learning spaces, promoting student voice and enhancing learning and teaching through the utilization of meaningful technology. Discover why students who use their devices during class time to access learning resources learn that education doesn't just happen within the four walls of a classroom. Hear how school challenges can be solved by soliciting PLN members and leave with strategies you can easily implement.