FETC 2018

Future-Focused: The Long Game in U.S. Education (Room South 330CD)

25 Jan 18
12:00 PM - 12:40 PM

Tracks: Future of EdTech Administrator

Today's kindergarten students will be graduating in 2030! These students will live in a world that is challenging to predict. Rapid changes in technology, demographics, workplace skills and accountability systems are pushing school and district leadership across the United States to reflect on how they truly prepare students for their roles as lifelong learners, workers and citizens of an increasingly complex world. What will the world be like? How will exponential changes in technology influence changes in teaching and learning? Learn how school leaders are designing new learning models and working together to build knowledge and practices that develop deep learning and foster whole system change to prepare for the future. Discover how learning spaces and technology can support future focused pedagogies and deeply engage students in developing critical 21st century skills. Uncover the signals visible today, including sustainability, enterprise, globalization and citizenship; the ones with the most potential for influencing how we learn and impacting education into 2030 and beyond.