FETC 2018

This Technology Changed My Life (As a Principal) (Room South 331B)

24 Jan 18
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Tracks: Future of EdTech Administrator

For administrators, classroom walkthroughs are a foundational tool for the educational leader to drive the cycle of continuous school improvement by focusing on the effects of instruction. Learn how to use technology to make this process more efficient and create a seamless process of sharing data. You’ll discover technological tools to schedule walkthroughs, collect data and analyze the results to share with educators. Michael Meechin will focus on a widely accessible and free technology that can be leveraged to change the way you capture data and provide feedback to your staff. You will experience building your own walkthrough form and setting it up as a formative assessment tool to take back to your school or district. Learn how you can work together with faculty to improve students' results, your own professional development, and each other as people by enhancing the collaborative process with technology tools such as Google Drive and video analysis.