FETC 2018

You Have What It Takes to Be a Future Ready Librarian (Room North 220D)

25 Jan 18
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: Future of EdTech Administrator

What does it mean to be a Future Ready Librarian? How will being a Future Ready Librarian affect my library, school, teachers and especially my students? What can I do to become a Future Ready Librarian today? These questions are central to the Future Ready Librarians initiative. They are also questions we ask ourselves everyday as we embrace our roles within the library and school community. In this session, Shannon McClintock Miller will explore the critical role that librarians can play in the strategic work of schools and educational systems connected with educational technology leadership, empowering students as creators and learners, content curation, innovative instructional practices, and more. Everyone will have a voice in the engaging conversation as we become Future Ready Librarians together! You will leave this session knowing you have what it takes to be a Future Ready Librarian and having an action plan in your hands.