FETC 2018

Personalized and Blended Learning for All Staff and Students (Room South 330CD)

24 Jan 18
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Tracks: Future of EdTech Administrator

Advances in educational technology continue to give districts the ability to personalize student and staff learning. Structures such as L.E.A.P. and C.H.O.I.C.E. can help you to take a leadership role in the development and implementation of personalized learning for your students and staff. Learn how Garnet Valley created a teacher- and student-centered foundation of overarching district professional learning, curriculum, instruction, assessment and technology plans. You’ll leave this workshop with plans for redefining summer remediation; implementing a comprehensive, choice-based balanced literacy and research curricula across K-12 classrooms; redesigning learning spaces for creativity, collaboration and innovation; and providing blended and online learning opportunities.