FETC 2018

How to Reimagine Your Library Space and Transform Student Learning (Room North 320AB)

25 Jan 18
2:00 PM - 2:40 PM

Tracks: Future of EdTech Administrator

Many school libraries still look like they did fifty years ago. But our libraries are no longer quiet dusty book repositories. Librarians are leading the way in technology use and modern pedagogy in our schools - now we need to update our spaces to match. In this session, attendees will get ideas and inspiration for transforming the physical space of their libraries to make them innovative, student-friendly learning environments. We'll talk about how to apply learning space design theory to renovate your library. You'll learn how to survey your students, create a focus group, and use design thinking to brainstorm ideas for your space. Participants will be able to explain and defend why changes to the physical space are needed and will learn strategies that they can apply immediately, no matter what their budget. We'll also talk about ways to secure funding for projects.