Hosted Buyer Test

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations—Best Practices in Implementation (Room HX: Onstage - Hotel)

12 Nov 18
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM
Capturing the attention of the 800,000 Americans now driving electric vehicles is unlike any other marketing challenge. These drivers plan their trips based on the availability of charging stations. Is your property prepared to host them? This session will be geared toward getting those heads in your beds. On the table for discussion: trends in charging technology and what types of charging stations and infrastructure you should have; how best to accommodate and market to this niche of travelers; and when to “charge” or not to “charge” these guests who stop by temporarily or for the night for a “charge”. Moderated by Glenn Hasek, Publisher and Editor of Green Lodging News, this session will feature representatives of the hotel, supplier and consultant communities.