HR Technology® Conference & Exposition 2017

Quantifying Financial Value of HR Transformation: Speaking C-Suite and Business Leaders’ Language (Room Venetian Ballroom A & B)

HR transformation initiatives add significant value to the organization, but what is the best way for HR executives to quantify and articulate that value to business and financial leaders in their organizations? Beyond streamlined processes and cost savings, how do you communicate the larger value of HR transformation supported by HR technology? What metrics are most important to illustrate the impact of HR transformation on the larger business goals of the organization like revenue growth? Achievements in growth, culture and organizational mind shifts can be difficult to quantify when they may not directly lend themselves to traditional measurements. In this session, you’ll learn which elements executive stakeholders find the most compelling about HR transformation in order to achieve buy-in for technology purchase decisions. You will hear about data, proof points and case studies that can articulate HR transformation value and support productive conversations that lead to alliances between HR and C-suite champions. Finally, tips on terminology, timing and speaking the language of finance executives will be shared.