HR Technology® Conference & Exposition 2017

Connecting HR Technology, Analytics and Employee Experience Design (Room Venetian Ballroom C & D)

Since their emergence, HR technologies have been built primarily to automate existing processes. They were not built for analytical purposes, nor to accommodate unique processes, measures or experiences. But this is changing. In fact, employee experience design is emerging as an often-used precursor to HR technology selection and adoption. And, it's helping deliver benefit to individual employees, as well as to the organization. When this is done there's higher engagement in talent processes, thus more and better data. More and better data means more and better analytics — insight to guide talent and business strategies. Here’s your chance to explore these concepts with some of the world's most accomplished and innovative people/workforce analytics leaders. You’ll leave with a deeper understanding of the power and opportunity that modern analytics technologies, design and implementation present to help you form and execute your HR and talent strategies.