HR Technology® Conference & Exposition 2017

If We Build It, Candidates Will Come: Building the Perfect TA Tech Stack (Room Venetian Ballroom A & B)

From small mom-and-pop shops to large enterprise organizations, we all need candidates. Tim Sackett will facilitate an open discussion with three in-the-trenches TA leaders about the exact design and technology that organizations of various sizes are using to hire faster and better — ultimately helping your organization become world class with your talent acquisition practices. Representing small, mid-size and enterprise level organizations, these leaders will share the technology and design they’re using to find success in their TA shops, giving you insight and ideas on how you can build and re-shape your own TA tech stack to attract and hire more talent. This is a TA tech product agnostic session. You’ll hear about tons of great technology and solutions organizations of all sizes are using right now within their TA tech stack, and maybe even a few things that didn’t work out too well!