HR Technology® Conference & Exposition 2017

The Real Economists of HR Technology: Using Big Data to Drive HR Decision-Making (Room Venetian Ballroom I)

The world is changing rapidly — making it hard for many HR organizations to keep up. Shifts in workforce and labor economics in emerging markets are about to affect traditional human capital management models. The average age of experienced workers in the U.S., Europe and Asia is increasing, and they're more likely to change jobs frequently. Meanwhile, the supply of young, tech-savvy workers is growing in other parts of the world like South America and Africa — outside of the scope of most talent acquisition strategies. How will organizations big and small leverage macro and micro data to meet the needs of changing, more global business models? What will the future workforce look like? How will it be employed and deployed? What can talent leaders do today to prepare for tomorrow? Join Kyle Lagunas and a panel of economists from three of the biggest talent acquisition solution providers to learn about these important trends, and how you can best leverage the trends and data in your talent strategies.