HR Technology® Conference & Exposition 2017

Men@Work: A Career Girl’s Guide to Navigating Male Archetypes, Achieving Success and Finding Happiness (Room Venetian Ballroom A-D)

10 Oct 17
11:20 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Women in Tech Breakout Session

Have you ever said to yourself, "This guy is like a character out of a movie!"? Success at work depends on our ability to understand men and determine how to navigate them. What if there was a simple, straight-forward guide for women looking to demystify all those guys, those characters and even the caricatures, to become their best working selves? Well, now there is! As a 20-year veteran in enterprise technology and nearly 40-year working girl, Christina Van Houten has interacted with thousands of men of all shapes, sizes, and personalities from around the world. Based on that experience, she has taken all those guys and boiled them down into 7 types. Those profiles, along with some other words of wisdom, will provide a thought provoking look at how to master ever-challenging gender dynamics that can make or break our effectiveness, and ultimately our careers as working women.