HR Technology® Conference & Exposition 2017

Research Report: Measuring the Economic Impact of People Analytics (Room Marcello 4506)

People analytics is a hot trend in HR, but what is its value? How can organizations measure that value? And how does that value change as an organization matures in its use of analytics? Lexy Martin, a 40-year HR veteran and former lead author of the Sierra-Cedar HR Systems Survey, spent the last year studying this topic and will present her findings. Joining Lexy will be a panel of expert practitioners — heads of people analytics at Fortune 1000 companies who will share their experiences and dive into their results, best practices and lessons learned. You’ll gain a better understanding on how the value of people analytics changes as an organization matures in its use, and learn how people analytics can be leveraged to address key issues within HR. Plus, you’ll explore how organizations earlier in their journey with analytics can understand best practices for rolling out and driving value from people analytics.