RDH Under One Roof 2019

GENERAL SESSION: Nutrition and Oral Health: What Every Dental Professional Should Know (Room Dallas 5-7)

31 Jul 19
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Tracks: *Other

Speaker(s): Joy Void-Holmes
Good nutrition is integral to overall health. The mouth is the window to the body, what we eat affects general health, but also directly impacts oral health. The first signs of a nutritional deficiency often appear in the oral cavity. Patients who consume too many calories, fermentable carbohydrates, non-nutritious snacks, and sugary sweetened drinks are at risk for developing tooth decay, periodontal disease, and various systemic diseases. To that end, it is essential that dental professionals possess basic knowledge about nutrition, the physiological processes that occur in the body after food is consumed, and the effects of nutrition on the body and oral cavity. This information will position the dental professional to provide a thorough nutritional assessment to their patients.