RDH Under One Roof 2019

GENERAL SESSION: Patients, Pills & Pathologies. Why Medical History Clues are Critical to General Dental Treatment. (Room Texas C)

31 Jul 19
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Tracks: Oral-Systemic Health

The number of Americans over the age of 65 exceeds 15% of the population and that number will increase by more than an additional 20% over the next few decades. As patient longevity increases, so will the number of conditions, diseases and potential disabilities that these patients will present with in our dental chairs. Medically compromised patients with age-related diseases such as cancers, or lifestyle-associated factors such as obesity, drug use and abuse, as well as the myriad of common; and often underestimated, abnormal physical conditions that we cross paths with on a day-to-day basis demand a sharpened focus during our treatment planning, delivery of care and periodontal maintenance in general dentistry. These patients require clinicians that have a competent insight into medicine and pharmacotherapies, and are capable of deducing findings from patient medical histories and willing to collaborate with patients’ medical providers to provide optimal dental care.