RDH Under One Roof 2019

GENERAL SESSION: How to Train Your Dentist (Room SA4-6)

31 Jul 19
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Tracks: Professional Development

Most dentists just let things happen. Face it, this leadership style is the least confrontational, and dentists simply don't want to create conflict. How many dentists even run the show in their own home? The women in their lives are often the leaders. Perhaps they are waiting for you, the hygienist, to step up to the plate and be a leader, solve problems, create action plans, and be a catalyst for change! The potential problem is being viewed as a pushy "pre-madonna" who thinks she owns the place... right? This course will show you specific strategies to help lead your team, gain your dentist's trust, and form an alliance with all the team members in your office, all without seeming pushy. Getting synchronized with each other in everything from treatment planning to patient education, and being a unified team might just be up to YOU... with the right skills!