Pipeline Energy Expo 2018

Winning the public conversation on pipelines to calm fears, mobilize public support, overcome organized opposition, and secure both local and FERC permit approvals in a timely manner. (Room Conference Hall)

03 Apr 18
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Tracks: Construction

The Trump administration and the recently nominated FERC commissioners may give a false sense that getting new and expansion pipeline project permits will be easier. That may be true at FERC, but quite the opposite for local and state permits. A significant paradigm shift has occurred. This means local residents and environmentalists are going to fight every pipeline and energy project at the local level. For example, Oregon LNG could have secured a FERC approval - but was unable to get a local county right of way permit for the gas pipeline and that killed the project. Six years and millions of dollars down the drain! The Keystone Pipeline has to get 12 state of Nebraska permits.