2018 GlobalShop

Why the Future of Retail Design Will Be Physical - **AIA approved 1 LU/IDCEC approved 1 CEU*** (Room W178)

28 Mar 18
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
The integration of the both the physical and digital will become a more seamless experience for users in the near future. Today, technology is currently being applied as a separate layer and applied onto clothing, products or the physical space. This produces a disjointed experience that becomes outdated and devalued by consumers once the initial thrill wears off. Technology has a lifecycle that can be easily adaptable, whereas physical spaces can be a challenge. Designing technology into an experience that becomes invisible can alleviate this. In the future, technology will no longer be the focus of our interaction. We no longer will be searching for information online through individual search engines; instead, information will be provided within the flow of a conversation or physical engagement. Environments will become truly responsive.