2018 NSC SCE

Silent Danger: The Five Crucial Conversations That Drive Workplace Safety (Room 240)

12 Apr 18
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Tracks: Safety Information & Performance Improvement

Research shows that unsafe conditions persist in the workplace today not because of faulty equipment of shortsighted protocols, but because of cultural norms and social taboos. The secret behind most workplace injuries is that someone is aware of the threat well in advance, but is either unwilling or unable to speak up. The greatest danger today is not from ignorance or inattention to risks – but from silence. Unless and until the code of silence is broken, we’ll continue to suffer avoidable losses in both health and performance. In this session, you’ll learn about the five most common cultural workplace threats – as revealed by a study of 1,600 frontline workers, managers and safety directors across 30 companies – and how to overcome them.