National Pavement Expo 2018

A05 Fundamentals of Asphalt Pavers and Asphalt Paving (Room 25AB)

07 Feb 18
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Tracks: Paving

Fundamentals of Asphalt Pavers and Asphalt Paving

Contractors looking to enter the paving business must master the equipment that gets the hot mix in place at specified widths and thickness and at a pace that gets the job done on schedule, to specification – and profitably! In this new session, aimed at contractors and crews looking to learn paving basics from the ground up, you’ll learn about asphalt paving equipment, including “tractor basics” and the differences between track and rubber-tire pavers. You’ll learn about each component of the paver – such as augers, screws, conveyors and screeds -- including what each component does, how each works, how the components work together, and how operators can adjust components to get the desired end result of a high-quality mat. Plus you’ll take home tips to make sure the entire paving machine is operating at peak performance on the job. A great crash course for new pavers, crew members, and contractors thinking about adding paving to their services.