
Temporary bonding layers for plastic-based microfabrication of flexible displays (Room Cypress)

14 Feb 18
5:00 PM - 5:20 PM

Tracks: 2018FLEX Full Conference, Manufacturing on Flex

Session 12: FE Tools & Methods

Temporary bonding layers for plastic-based microfabrication of flexible displays
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
5:00 PM - 5:20 PM

Plastic-based electronics processing in the display industry has taken advantage of many technologies, the most well-known of which is Phillips’ electronics on plastic by laser release (EPLaR). While this technique takes advantage of much equipment in a traditional glass-based display line, the laser release of plastic substrates is a high-cost, low-throughput and defect prone process. In response, Ares has developed a novel temporary bonding material (ATB) which removes the need for laser debonding after microfabrication. Instead, substrate release can be achieved via solely mechanical debonding at release forces below 5 cN/cm. Herein, we demonstrate ATB release layers used for the temporary bonding of both the Pylux family of polysulfide thermosets, as well as pyromellitic dianhydride-co-4,4′-oxydianiline based (PMDA-ODA) solution-cast polyimide films.