Association Day 2017

“I Want a Divorce” Said the Association Exec to their AMS (Room Junior Ballroom A1-A2)

20 Mar 17
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Association Operation/Innovation

Many associations have been using the same AMS for many years, and when they’re ready to part ways, it really does seem like they’re going through something as traumatic as a divorce. Then there are some associations that, no matter how hard they try, just can’t seem to find an AMS they’re truly happy with. Mark Jones, CAE, will share the key elements of a happy and healthy relationship with your AMS, including the ALL important pre-nup. We’ll spend a good amount of time talking about how to find the right mate for organization, as well as the importance of the first date, and how to lay the groundwork for a healthy relationship going forward. For those who are looking to end an existing relationship, we’ll talk about how to best prepare for “saying goodbye” and how to make sure the next relationship is much more satisfying.