Digital Dealer Conference & Expo 24

The Secret Sauce: SEO, PPC and Social Media Advertising -- Learn How Integrated SEO, PPC and Social Media Campaigns Result in the Best Possible Results. (Room S330EF)

10 Apr 18
2:30 PM - 3:20 PM

Tracks: Marketing & Advertising (Data & Analytics), Marketing & Advertising (SEO), Marketing & Advertising (Social Media), Marketing and Advertising (PPC)

Chris will explain SEO from the ground up and how it affects not only your organic ranking but how it also ties in with your PPC performance and results. He'll show you real-time searches and examples via the web to make sure you fully understand how it all works. Chris will also be building a Facebook lead generation campaign in real-time that utilizes Amazon's one-click lead technology. This example campaign will cover everything from ad functionality to in-depth audience building to hyper-focus your ads directly to the consumers that will convert on them, the elusive in-market buyer. Finally, Chris will answer your questions and concerns regarding ad building placement and proper SEO techniques.

Primary Learning Objectives:
  • Learn how SEO affects your PPC and ways to get more out of your PPC budget.
  • Understand what a good social media campaign does and how it is targeted to the right consumers.
  • See what Google looks at when judging your advertising and over PPC quality.