DISTRIBUTECH International 2020

UU 203: Line Sensor Deployment for Distribution Automation: Practical Deployment, Data Collection, and Use (#D0141) (Room 214B)

**Evaluate this course.** 

This course covers the practical aspects of line sensor deployment, radio communications, data management and the use of line sensor data in utility operations. This course gives attendees a basis for planning and executing their own line sensor projects. It begins with a short background on line sensors and explores a handful of use cases in more detail. Those use cases include the use of line sensors in fault location and vegetation management. Instructors present “lessons learned” from field deployments at PG&E and DP&L. The course closes with a discussion of line sensor data management, network security requirements and effective presentation of data to system operators. The important topics of sensor data backhaul, the use of cellular radio data services and RF coverage are reviewed with emphasis on both technical and business issues.

Who should attend this course?

  • Operations and planning engineers
  • Asset managers
  • Field network deployment staff
  • Executives and managers involved in distribution automation