DISTRIBUTECH International 2020

UU 306: MDM: Why do I need it? What can I do with It? (#D0139) (Room 213A)

22 Jan 18
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Tracks: UU 306

**Evaluate this course. **

Meter data management (MDM) can significantly improve the value of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), or it can increase the complexity and cost of AMI. This course provides a review of functionality and features of MDM, explains what an MDM can and should do and discusses how to implement an MDM solution. The course is based on practical experience and lays out the entire process from requirements definition to operation. This course is targeted for intermediate and advanced students. Having successfully completed this course, the participants should expect to have a good overall understanding of MDM and the options and alternatives for its implementation. The participants should have the basics to aid their utility team in understanding the scope and commitment around MDM for any size advanced metering project, as well as be able to create an initial template from which the specific requirements, goals and schedule can be achieved.

Who should attend this course? 

  • Project managers
  • IT professionals
  • Customer service managers
  • Any utility personnel who expect to be involved in the utilization or implementation of MDM
  • Anyone considering the implementation of MDM and would like to understand the capabilities and interactions of an MDM