2016 AFCEA TechNet Asia-Pacific Conference & Expo

Continuing Education Course 2: "Implementing the Common Access Card (CAC) in Physical Security Systems (PACS)" (Room Nautilus Suite)

15 Nov 16
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Tracks: Continuing Education

Approved for 1 CompTIA CEU: A+, Network+, Security+, and CASP; 1 GIAC CPE

DOD personnel around the world use their CAC as a digital identity across the spectrum of networked communication systems. However, many still carry a separate credential for accessing their perimeter doors and interior spaces. Often times these credentials are of the older 125 khz technology, a technology that has proven to be extremely vulnerable to attack by emulation.

The technology on the CAC is encrypted, providing a much higher level of assurance, as it is far more difficult to “hack.” Recent advances in Access Control system hardware protocols also allow TLS (Transport Layer Security) 1.2 encryption to be enabled from the card reader to the control panel via OSDP (Open Source Data Protocol), providing for true end-to-end encryption of access control communications. 

The CAC combined with TLS 1.2 offers a much more secure means of deploying access control on DOD facilities.  This presentation will review the planning necessary for assigning access control requirements for DOD spaces and look at the potential for implementing CAC for access control where appropriate.