Team APG Theater: Internet of Battlefield Things (Room Hall D)

The ability of military forces to understand, predict, adapt, and exploit the vast array of inter-networked things that will be present of the future battlefield is critical to maintaining and increasing its competitive advantage.  An Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT) can be summarized as a set of interdependent and interconnected entities (e.g. sensors, small actuators, control components, networks, information sources, etc.) or “things” that are: dynamically composed to meet multiple mission goals; capable of adapting to acquire and analyze data necessary to predict behaviors/activities, and effectuate the physical environment; self-aware,  continuously learning, autonomous, and autonomic, where the things interact with networks, humans, and the environment in order to enable predictive decision augmentation that delivers intelligent command and control and battlefield services.  This panel will consist of members from academia and DoD research Laboratories who will help identify the scientific challenges facing military forces' understanding and use of IoBT's.  Key topical areas will be covered including the increase in complexity and interdependence on networking, autonomy/autonomicity, and interoperability.  Topics will also include the implications of IoBT on red, blue, and gray interactions and boundaries.