2016 Global Identity Summit

Biomaterial-based Technologies for Wearables (Room :Room 18-19)

21 Sep 16
9:15 AM - 10:15 AM
Access to biologically relevant signals provides significant challenges given the difficulties encountered when integrating technology with living tissue and wearable substrates. The challenges presented by the biotic/abiotic interface impose restrictions and limitations for the extraction of meaningful signals that represent physiological parameters and health states. A particular opportunity is offered by the use of naturally derived materials to generate devices that operate seamlessly at the interface of the biological and technological worlds. Stringent requirements on material form and function are imposed when operating at the nanoscale or when interfacing such materials with microelectronic circuitry. Silk fibroin is a very attractive biopolymer for use as the starting point for nanostructure optical materials and thin-film electronics. Devices such as silk-based photonic crystals, lasers, wireless antennas and resorbable electronics will be described as some examples of the possibilities that this water-processed, biocompatible material offers.