2016 Global Identity Summit

Innovations in Federation- Global Interoperability: Future Requirements (Room Tampa Convention Center:Room 15-16)

20 Sep 16
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: : Cross-cutting Issues, : Cross-cutting Issues, : Cross-cutting Issues

This session relates to identity management between federal, state, and international identification systems. The discussion will begin with a background of how interoperability between and among the systems has grown into a real-time exchange of identity information. The sessions will then explore how to move beyond the current models of interoperability and move into the future state of interoperability where different biometric modalities can be searched against multiple systems with one submission. Panelists will include representatives from federal, state, and international agencies who operate government to citizen systems agency users who will discuss the different needs of field users for online identification to support their diverse missions.