2016 Global Identity Summit

NIEM (Room Tampa Convention Center:Room 20-21)

19 Sep 16
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: : Pre-Conference Training, : Pre-Conference Training, : Pre-Conference Training

This session is facilitated by the NIEM Biometrics Domain, in conjunction with DHS Office of Biometric Identity Management (OBIM), and will include an overview of NIEM (program framework, mission and goals), a review of recent activities associated with the NIEM Biometrics Domain, including schema development, domain-to-domain alignment and harmonization and NIEM 4.0 preparation, as well as information related to available technical assistance, including working group and tiger team formation and utilization. During the session speakers will discuss a number of topics, including the rationalization for standardization of biometric exchange within operational settings, the current state of standardization within both policy-driven organizations and operationally focused mission-centric organizations, as well as the impact of the incremental NIEM 3.2 release and the upcoming major NIEM 4.0 release.