2017 I/ITSEC - 8250

Buying Innovation in Military Training: How Do We Foster, Exploit and Deliver Innovation in Military Simulation and Training? (Room S329)

This session will address the Armed Forces desire to foster and deliver training innovation internally and how to share the output and best practice. We will discuss how industry innovate against current and future training requirements in concert with the Military and Government. • How do we get Industry to invest their R&D budgets against customer need? • How to reward innovation in training? – both internally and to industry • What examples are there of innovation that can be reproduced in other areas to good effect? • How do we engage smaller, more agile (and often naturally innovative) companies – especially those outside of the current defence delivery network? Finally we will explore the bigger picture of how do we exploit technology from other industries into Military Training and the exploitation of excellent training/education practice from providers outside of defence.