2017 I/ITSEC - 8250

M&S by Example: Understanding Modeling & Simulation Applications by Design (Room S320GH)

27 Nov 17
12:45 PM - 2:15 PM
A Model is the representation of an actual system and is used to predict a future state, often for purposes of decision-making; Simulation is the imitation of the operation of a system over time. This “Yin-Yang” relationship underscores the inherent complexity of successfully employing M&S in application domains for training, analysis and engineering. Real-world examples serve as effective instructional mechanisms to improve comprehension by reducing cognitive load during skill acquisition. Accordingly, a high-level overview of M&S “by Example” serves as the primary impetus for this tutorial. Introductory material will be presented using examples from traditional M&S application domains. An intermediate example will provide a regional connection by demonstrating core M&S principles that underlie thrill ride (entertainment) design technologies. Finally, an advanced “Black Swan” weather event scenario will be surmised, and elements of the associated M&S analysis will be suggested. The “Understanding by Design” (UbD) framework establishes learning outcomes to design effective training curricula, and will be leveraged for the construction and delivery of this tutorial. Overall, this presentation will serve as a broad introduction to many fundamental techniques critical to M&S, and accordingly, will closely adhere to the current CMSP curriculum.