2017 I/ITSEC - 8250

Cloud-Based Simulation: Hype or Reality? (Room S320GH)

Modeling and Simulation (M&S) is the key technology to deliver a great amount of military training, analysis, and decision making capabilities. Two main barriers limiting the use of M&S are cost and accessibility. M&S products are highly valuable resources and it is essential that M&S products, data and processes are conveniently accessible to a large number of users as often as possible. Therefore it is required that M&S products can be accessed simultaneously and spontaneously by a large number of users for their individual purposes. Modeling & Simulation as a Service Modeling & Simulation as a Service (MSaaS) is the combination of service-based approaches with ideas taken from cloud computing. As MSaaS has technological and organizational impacts, it is best defined as an enterprise-level approach for discovery, composition, execution and management of M&S services. This “as a Service” paradigm has to support stand-alone use as well as integration of multiple simulated and real systems into a unified environment whenever the need arises. Leveraging commercial developments MSaaS is a very promising approach for realizing future simulation environments. Allied Framework for MSaaS The Allied Framework for MSaaS is the common approach of NATO and nations towards implementing MSaaS. The joint effort is undertaken to share resources and to ensure maximum interoperability. Under the umbrella of the NATO Science & Technology Organization 16 nations, 6 NATO bodies and 100+subject matter experts are currently working together to improve MSaaS capabilities and to realize jointly the next generation of simulation environments. The key objective is a flexible, cloud-based services environment to provide M&S products, data and processes conveniently and on-demand available to all users in order to enhance operational effectiveness. MSaaS is real! If you ever wondered if M&S for military training, analysis, and decision making will be cloud-based in future, the answer is Ye