2017 I/ITSEC - 8250

Effective Face Validation Methodology to Evaluate Simulation Fidelity for Training (Room S320D)

Simulation credibility is measured by verification and validation (V&V) and formally approved as adequate for use in a particular application by accreditation. Validation ensures that a simulation conforms to a specified level of accuracy when its outputs are compared to some aspect of the real world in the perspective of the intended uses of the model. The goal of this tutorial is to assist the DoD and industry partners to develop an informed, thorough, and independent judgment about how credible training simulations are for their intended audiences to ensure training solutions meet their training needs. V&V methods vary greatly throughout the DoD and industry. Some are performed better than others. Seldom are the validations directly connected to training front end analyses. This tutorial will present a method implemented and improved upon over several years by USMC Training and Education Command (TECOM) and Program Manager Training Systems (PM TRASYS) to accredit training simulations systems. The methodology provides a thorough evaluation that can be used for training simulation in DoD and any industry to reduce V&V costs and prioritize simulation development.