AOA-34 Annual Educational Conference

Healthcare Evolution or Revolution? Exploring the Shift from Fee-for-Service to Value-Based Approaches (Room Chicago)

09 Sep 16
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Healthcare Today

The healthcare industry is going through a perfect storm: Payer consolidation, the Affordable Care Act and unsustainable inflation – combined with several other market factors – are driving a tectonic shift in the way healthcare will be delivered and reimbursed. With recent attention focused on controlling costs and the downward pressure on physician incomes, reimbursement is shifting from fee-for-service to value-based approaches. As a result, medical practices must adopt a significant cultural shift. A population health management approach happens when the practice's goals and financial incentives are aligned with keeping patients healthy rather than only treating them when they are not. In this session, Mr. Howrigon, a former managed care executive, will explain why this shift may be inevitable. Participants will discover how they can begin the process of changing their practices to accommodate these new approaches. Finally, participants will take away effective strategies for working together with the payers under this new care model and making the transition as smooth and seamless as possible.