2016 AFCEA TechNet Augusta Conference and Expo

Presenting Big Data Analytics & Demo (Room TechTalk theater – Reynolds Street Lobby)

02 Aug 16
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Tracks: TechTalk Theater

- Review the primary challenges in creating analytical products from large data sets and a variety of data formats.

- Learn how to classify and analyze data as Fast, Emerging and Gold (Governance) to ensure proper decision making for the mission.

- Understand the breadth of Oracle solutions in the Analytics space and how support for open standards, heterogeneous data types, number of 3rd-party data stores can support enterprise mission environments.

- Learn how these Oracle solutions can operate at the highest levels of performance required to support real-time mission needs

- Bring Enterprise Grade features and complete solution that are pre-integrated and standards based, Data Wrangling too cumbersome…automate and accelerate