TSCE 2017

Transportation Safety in the Workplace is Key in Reducing Risk: Work Smarter - Not Harder (Room LL 449)

06 Mar 17
2:15 PM - 2:45 PM

Tracks: Hazard Recognition & Risk Management

Transportation is one of the most important parts of an employer’s safety program, yet it is the most overlooked. Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of unintentional worker deaths. An average work-related motor vehicle crash costs an employer more than $24,000. If the employee is injured, the average cost increases to more than $125,000. Texas employers spend $3.5 billion every year as a result of on-the-job and off-the job traffic injuries and fatalities. About half of all crash-related injuries result in days away from work, which can greatly impact employer costs. This session will discuss employer liability and policies. Best practices will be shared. Work smarter – not harder!