2017 BOMA International Annual Conference & Expo

Building Tour: Pinnacle Building and the Trolley Barns (Room Depart from BOMA Registration, Level 2)

26 Jun 17
2:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Tracks: Building Tour

*This is a walking tour.  Registered participants must gather at the BOMA Registration Desk, Level 2 Lobby by 2:30 pm to depart for the tour.

Pinnacle Building

The Pinnacle at Symphony Place is a 29-story office and retail skyscraper located in Nashville's SoBro (South of Broadway) district. Located adjacent to the Schermerhorn Symphony Center, the building officially opened on February 10, 2010 and includes 520,000 square feet of Class A office space and 23,000 square feet of retail space.

The Pinnacle is home to Nashville-based Pinnacle Financial Partners, as well as several law firms. It is the first office tower in downtown Nashville to gain Gold LEED Certification due to its energy-efficient design. The building features a one-acre green roof terrace garden over the parking garage and other environmentally friendly amenities.

Trolley Barns

Following the tour of the Pinnacle Building, attendees will make a short walk to the Trolley Barns, a historic site originally home to some of Nashville’s earliest mills. In the 1940s the Trolley Barns became a bastion of Nashville’s urban power structure and were used by city government until being put out to bid for alternative use in 2008.  Renovation began in 2009 with historic tax credits used to finance the redevelopment.  

This means all renovation had to meet the Historic Preservation standards set by and approved by the US Department of the Interior/ National Park Service.  The buildings show original roof and structure design with a bowed roof line (no equipment is placed on the roof).  The six buildings (from 8,800 sf to 20,000 sf in size) have tenants ranging from non-profit services, technology companies, architecture firms, restaurants, and government offices.  It was fully leased before occupancy of the first building.