2017 BOMA International Annual Conference & Expo

Defending your Organization from Cyber Attacks on Building Controls Systems (Room 209B)

26 Jun 17
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM

Tracks: Building Operations and Management

Building owners and managers, facility engineers, and physical-security specialists, be warned: Building control systems (BCS) are now squarely in the sights of criminal hackers. BCS are an easy target for hackers and people with malicious intent because they are unsecured by design, there is a desire for remote access control, and they operate with minimal staffing.

BCS can be exploited to gain physical access to facilities and virtual access to traditional IT systems and data, exposing organizations to significant financial obligations for containment, eradication, and/or recovery. In many organizations, the IT department now is responsible for converged infrastructure, yet has little to no training on detecting, removing, and recovering from malware directed at BCS. This presentation will provide insight into the Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures required to actively defend a BCS.


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