2017 Wedding & Portrait Photography

PC22 "The Power of the Portrait” an inspirational talk with Peter Hurley NEW! (Room N109/112)

07 Feb 17
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Tracks: Portrait

In this day and age more photographs are being taken than ever in human history. Photography has become the #1 hobby in the world and we as individuals find ourselves more often than ever in front of a camera. Though this is the case the lure of being photographed remains the same and everyone simply wants one thing, to look their best. Peter Hurley has diligently worked at creating images that his clients are proud of for the last 17 years. It’s been easier said than done as he explains in his TEDx talk “Bridging the Self Acceptance Gap” and in this talk he continues to champion his effort of using imagery to stimulate his subjects to understand their true beauty. He’ll teach you his simple but effective techniques to pull out an individuals personality while drawing from his personal experiences to show just how touching these crucial moments have been throughout his career. So join Peter as he brings you on a journey where you’ll come to understand that the picture you’ve taken of your subject should simply be a byproduct of the experience you had the opportunity to give them.