Mensa AG 2016

Prospects for Human Survival (Room San Diego)

30 Jun 16
12:00 PM - 1:15 PM

Tracks: Speaker

Speaker(s): Dr. Willard Wells
Advanced technologies such as computers, genetic engineering, nanotech, robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI) are progressing at an accelerating pace. Futurists speak of a time called The Singularity when progress will be so rapid that humans can no longer comprehend it. Wells shows that the pace of "progress" is too rapid for us to safely adapt. He discusses several of the most frightening hazards to our survival and develops simple mathematical formulas for survival probability. Professional mathematicians have vetted his formulation, which is based on statistical indicators of progress: Gross World Product, number of papers published in science and engineering, and production of electricity and selected minerals. Wells makes a case for developing friendly superhuman AI as quickly as possible, hopefully a nurturing artificial overlord that will protect us from ourselves. The danger is that it may not be as friendly as we hope, but the alternative is unacceptable risk.