2017 AFCEA Defensive Cyber Operations Symposium

Cyber Innovation Pavilion: Industry Innovation Showcase (Room Hall F, Cyber Innovation Pavilion)

14 Jun 17
9:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Tracks: Cyber Innovation Pavilion

Hosted by:  SIGNAL Logo

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The Cyber Innovation Showcase is industry's opportunity to demonstrate cutting-edge solution to government representatives and potential industry partners. Located on the exhibit floor, the showcase provides a platform for the broad exposure to government, military and industry attendees. The AFCEA Technology Committee and AFCEA senior staff evaluated more than 65 proposals to select the seven submissions that widely represented our overall call for abstract topics for presentation.

View the abstracts and full schedule here: http://events.afcea.org/AFCEACyberOps17/Public/Content.aspx?ID=67308&sortMenu=102003