2016 AFCEA TechNet Air

Engagement Theater: "Implementation of NextGen and Relationship with DoD Air Operations"

Approved for 1 GIAC CPE

Interagency Core Cyber Team (ICCT) – Overview, Structure, Current Successes, and ICCT Moving Forward:  New technology and increased information sharing heightens our need to incorporate stringent cybersecurity measures into everything the FAA and its interagency partners do. The ICCT established in 2015 is responsible for orchestrating NextGen multi-agency initiatives. The FAA’s Interagency Planning Office is working directly with the NextGen partner agencies – NASA,  Department of Commerce, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Defense -- to address cybersecurity for NextGen. Learning Objectives: While each agency has its own mission, priorities, and responsibilities, the NextGen partners share common interests in dealing with cyber-associated risks and impacts in the nation’s aviation enterprise. Working collaboratively with key multi-agency focus areas will allow for all NextGen stakeholders to realize shared benefits and minimize cyber-associated risks.

Collaborative Information Management (CIM) – Overview, Importance, Mission, and Approach of CIM, and Mini Global II Participation: CIM is NextGen’s information security program with the DoD. Critical tactical aviation operations occur every day coordinated mostly through legacy means, and a basic level of understanding of a particular mission/status is available only to select individuals/roles. Agencies must be able to establish a trust paradigm to more freely share information in real time.

Learning Objectives: Address information management shortfalls in the National Airspace System (NAS) through surveys, studies, and analyses by focusing on inter-agency information exchange and promoting international data exchange. Evaluate capability to use existing DoD infrastructure to securely and efficiently transfer FAA flight data by creating a prototype infrastructure for completing communication between the FAA and DoD. Provide a more complete view of the NAS to the DoD. Exchange valuable data that are not currently being shared between the two agencies. Provide recommendations to FAA and other government agencies that will inform potential implementation.

Integrated Surveillance Plan – Overview and Current Pursuits: An integrated surveillance strategy ensures the safety, security, and efficiency of the National Airspace System. An integrated surveillance strategy can offer support to new user entrants into the NAS, such as UAS or commercial space vehicles, via enhanced and improved surveillance capabilities. The FAA is pursuing a Memorandum of Understanding between DoD, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Commerce to define cross-agency surveillance requirements and radar concepts of operation.

Learning Objectives: Discuss the consideration of a multifunction solution for cross-agency surveillance. Explore the feasibility of consolidating radar functions into a single radio frequency spectrum band.