AISTech 2017

Coil Temperature Tracking (Room 103B)

08 May 17
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: Sensors & Controls

Throughout the steel manufacturing process, product temperature is a key variable to be tracked. Temperature is relevant not only for the product itself, but also for the process it is being applied to. In particular, coil temperature is essential to avoid damaging the cleaning bath in a pickling line. In order to avoid processing a too hot coil, a coil yard thermography approach was implemented. By placing thermal cameras on an automatic crane, a coil temperature measurement system automatically tracks the temperature of all coils stored in the yard. The system not only presents the most recent measured temperature, but it also shows the cooling profile of each individual coil. By grouping coils with different temperature thresholds, the system automatically indicates which coils are ready for the next production process.