AISTech 2017

Historical Operating Cost Comparison for North American Iron and Steelmaking Routes (Room 208B)

08 May 17
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Tracks: Use of DRI in Steelmaking

Commodity pricing over the last 10 years for iron ore, coal, coke, scrap, and natural gas will be used to create historical North American iron and steel operating costs. Two regions will be considered, the U.S. Great Lakes and the southern United States. This paper will show whether the integrated, hot direct-reduced iron electric arc furnace (EAF), scrap-fed EAF, or scrap and import AIU-EAF route has been the best historical choice on an operating cost basis. Commodity pricing thresholds that give each route an advantage will be presented. This paper will use published commodity consensus pricing to examine the best steelmaking route going forward.