2017 Hospitality Design

*NEWH Green Voice Conversations with the Experts: Sustainability Reboot: An Accelerating Era of Innovation (in the Absence of Regulations) (free session) (Room Social Hub, Booth 5644)

04 May 17
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Some of the best advances and innovation in the world of sustainability happen in the vacuum of government regulation or support. In recent years, sustainability in the built environment has evolved beyond a mere collection of ponderous rating systems to navigate, and has exploded to encompass a whole range of focus areas, technologies, and business models, from solar microgrids, to autonomous and electric vehicles, and from human health and well-being to behavioral economics. We should expect these trends to continue at an accelerated rate, and hospitality projects tend to be some of the best opportunities for these ideas to play out.

In this talk, Josh will explore these topics, and discuss his experience in working with a variety of project types that are actively working on implementing all of these ideas.