NASS 2017 Annual Meeting

Surgical Innovation Lab Demonstration: Single Position Lateral Solutions to Treat L4-S1, Featuring Advanced 3D Printed Implants and LessRay® Radiation Emission Reduction Technology. Presented by NuVasive® (Room Green Lab)

26 Oct 17
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

NuVasive will be showcasing their expanding Lateral Procedural Solutions. The lab demonstration will highlight NuVasive’s new Lateral ALIF procedure to address L5-S1 anatomy via the lateral approach, the XLIF® procedure utilizing the novel Modulus™ XLIF 3D printed titanium implants, and radiation emission reduction capabilities with the LessRay system. All of these solutions together, enable a surgeon to treat a patient via Single Position Lateral Surgery utilizing advanced technology and unique capabilities to reduce radiation emission.

RSVP with NuVasive contact: Jennica Reeves | email: